Coming Glory: 1

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
He that is our resurrection life, He searches the dust of the earth, and all those who sleep through Him in the earth. (Buried no matter where or in what time: no matter what puny spite had shown itself in the deaths to which they are subjected.) The dead rise first, blessed without question. Blessed for Stephen; blessed for Paul: blessed for Peter, and others; but oh, what will the heart find of blessing in thinking of those names we are among, the worthies of the New Testament, compared with the blessedness of that one man, who, coming forth from God, will sweep with His power through the grave, and bring up all that sleep through Jesus, and in resurrection bodies, like the Lord! There is no power in us to mount up. We are caught up in a moment to meet the Lord in the air. He fills us up with life.